
Us History 1790- 1860

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Us History 1790- 1860
During 1790-1860, there were many reformations taking place and many events that lead up to the reformation of this very inexperienced country, of America. All these events effected the United States different ways and caused many grievances for the young people living in America. In 1790 we firmly incorporated the first American cotton mill which led to the economic augmentation of the United States. In 1791 we established the Capital of the United States in Washington D.C., and Alexander Hamilton establishes the first bank of America. In 1794 in Pennsylvania there was an uprising called the Whiskey Rebellion. People were rejecting the taxes on their way of life, and that was whiskey. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson became President of the United States, and then in 1803 Jefferson made his magnificent purchase of Louisiana. In 1812 President Madison declares war against the British for their blockades of American Ports. Also, in 1812 President James Madison is reelected. In 1815, the British, totally clueless that the War of 1812 is over, attacked General Andrew Jackson and lost over two thousand soldiers. General Andrew Jackson was considered a hero. In 1817 James Monroe became our fifth President of the United States. In 1820, James Monroe dominated the election of the Presidency of the United States by winning all but one of the electoral votes. In 1821 Missouri became a state and the equality of slave and free states are set at twelve. In 1823 President Monroe puts his Monroe Doctrine through, which states that the United States will not permit any European hampering in the Western Hemisphere. In 1824, John Quincy Adams in elected President of the United States. In 1825 our transportation took a gigantic step for the better because of the completion of the Eric Canal. In 1826 our transportation still prospered with the first railroad being put into use, in Massachusetts. In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville travels America and writes a book on the

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