
Unit Four Essay

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Unit Four Essay
Analyze the effects of the mercantilist economic system. Who benefited, who was hurt, and why?

Introduction, today we will read about how a struggling countries government will step in and help assist using the mercantilist economic system. Situation: the Dutch dominated the shipping channels on overseas trade; monopolizing the financial rewards. The current government, the English, needed to intervene on the Dutch because; they were monopolizing the transatlantic shipping lines like it was their “turf”; and had established business relationships with the Europeans- France and Spain. Their process was to pick up and deliver manufactured products between ports, collect delivery fees, and, employ their own countrymen. Who was benefiting? The Dutch and their European relationships-France and Spain. Who was hurting? The English economy. The English government’s goal: to replace Dutch dominance on the transatlantic shipping lines with English presence. Starting in 1651, four types of mercantile regulations were created and installed to help regulate imperial trade. First application of The Navigation Act of 16512...ref first para..

First, the Mercantile Regulation One: to eliminate the presence of Dutch ships. , Quote, “Aimed to eliminate Dutch competition in overseas trade”. “The trading ships were to either be English or Colonial”, with maintenance “crews to be at least 50% English born”, and, increased employment in “staffing England’s merchant marines”. “New England’s shipping industry”, had not only increased, but, also increased ship building orders filling supply and demand which contributed in “increasing the nation’s wealth”.
Who benefited overall? the English or Colonial citizens through employment, and income.... Who was hurting? The Dutch who had lost a lot of income.

Second, Mercantile Regulation Two: colonial manufactured dry goods such as tobacco and rice, aka enumerated

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