
Two Theories Of The Death Of King Tutankhamen

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Two Theories Of The Death Of King Tutankhamen
Theories of the Death of King Tutankhamen King Tutankhamen died young, at the age of 18 or 19. However, his cause of death has not been confirmed. Did he die of injury, of illness, or was he murdered? This question is still being debated by many different Theologians, Historians, and Egyptologists. There are many different theories that include natural death, an injury, an illness, or murder. In this paper, I will talk about two theories. I will then discuss one theory that I feel is most plausible. The two theories that I found include: Chris Naunton’s theory and Zahi Hawass’s theory. Naunton’s theory relates to the lack of King Tut’s heart and rib damage. Naunton theorized that King Tut was in a chariot accident. He had a group of car-crash investigators to use computers to simulate a series of chariot accidents (Bubar, 2014). They determined that if King Tut had crashed his chariot, the crash could have caused the damage to his body. Zahi Hawass’s theory is that Tut had an inherited bone disorder called Koler’s disease that had weakened the King (Young King's Death Reassessed, 2011). Hawass also found that Tut had signs of Malaria. King Tut had a fracture to his leg that happened before death. Due to his weakened state he had developed necrosis of that fractured bone. X-rays …show more content…
Hawass believed that the fracture to his left leg was unable to receive the blood supply needed caused osteonecrosis. With the bone not being able to get the blood supply that has all the nutrients needed to help prevent infection, the area became infected. With the infection Kohler’s Disease, osteonecrosis, clubbed foot, and hypophalangism his immune system was weakened. King Tut, having a weakened immune system and the contracting Malaria he was unable to fight the disease. In his tomb there were seeds, fruits, and leaves that could have possibly been used as healing agents (Hawass, Gad, Ismail, & al.,

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