
The Pros And Cons Of Cliques In High School

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The Pros And Cons Of Cliques In High School
The definition of clique is a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them. The question at hand is why do people find niches within their school and stick to them? After interviewing several high school students, we identified several repetitive answers as to why students group up such as: comfort, stability, shared interests, and the pursuit of happiness. Next, we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of cliques. Advantages were very similar to why people group up in high school; sense of belonging, friendships, love, and relatability. Answers to disadvantages of grouping up were a whole lot easier to answer for our interviewees; drama, being closed off, jealousy, close-mindedness, and stereotypes. Once considering why people do it; advantages of it; and disadvantages of it, ask why is virtually everyone in a clique? …show more content…

One interviewee said, “When there’s an assembly at school or a football game, stuff like that, I like knowing that I have my group saving me a seat and expecting me.” The student values the sense of belonging. We realized through interviews that students found their clique through similar interests, grades, and sports. One student saying, “I made my core group of friends in middle school through playing football with them.” A very common theme that brought people together was sports, with 67% admitting that they associate with fellow teammates throughout the day and outside of school. It is apparent that people hang out with certain people they have similarities with and their reason for doing so is to achieve a sense of

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