The narrator’s attitude towards Miss. Emily is that he is slightly intimidated by her, however, he, along with the ladies in town, pity her and the circumstances she faces. The men in town simply regard her as another person and are essentially indifferent to her and her whereabouts. When referring to her as Miss. Emily, …show more content…
Emily may have seen as a normal person because Miss. Emily was really the only person he truly knew. I think the reason that Tobe stayed so long is because she is the only person who has stuck by him for a long period of time and she was all he had left. Since she was all he had left when she died he had no reason to stay there anymore.
Miss. Emily killed Homer because he failed to mention that he liked men. This, in turn, made her angry and made her realize that she could never be with him and the only way that she could be was if he was dead.
Miss. Emily’s confusion between past and present is evident in Homer’s body because although his body had been decaying for a long period she still continued to sleep next to him and live as if he were alive. If she realized he was dead she would not have continued to sleep next to him. (unless she was insane which is still a possibility)
I think the rose in the title refers to a flower pressed between pages of a book to keep as a remembrance of the past because Miss. Emily throughout the piece held onto the past and continued to hold on to long lost items and ideals and the rose could be symbolic of