
The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock, By T. S. Eliot

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The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock, By T. S. Eliot
The Value of Education In the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T. S. Eliot and the essay by Mukharji, “A visit to Europe”, the theme of value of education is expressed in different aspects, while still holding certain similarities in the way that it is viewed by the characters in each piece of work. Although Eliot’s poem can be summarized as an educated man surveying his time and whether he should make an advance towards a woman, there are some random mentions of the importance of education throughout the poem and the role that it plays between Mr. Prufrock and the woman he watches. The same can be said for Mukharji’s essay, although it’s summarized as a journalist recounting his time spent in England and the experiences he had there, there were various ways that the value of education was presented, but in a negative aspect which brings forth unspoken issues amongst the populace. In T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, the value of education plays a positive role in the woman that is being pursued by Mr. Prufrock and Mr. Prufrock himself; however, in Mukharji’s “A Visit to Europe”, while the value of education is demonstrated …show more content…
Alfred Prufrock”, the major piece of evidence that supports the theme that is being compared and contrasted is randomly repeated throughout the poem: “In the room the women come and go / Talking of Michelangelo” (Eliot, lines 13-14). These two lines, although they are quite random, represent a sense of value of education for it implies that the women that are coming and going are most likely aristocratic women with higher education than most, which allows them to discuss the Renaissance artist Michelangelo. In a way, it also suggests that the woman that Mr. Prufrock is attempting to woo is one of high class and has a keen mind, especially since Mr. Prufrock is made out to be an educated man. Eliot expresses Mr. Prufrock’s education by having Prufrock mention

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