A good relationship with parents is necessary to make the transition from adolescence to adulthood easier. Young adolescents have to make important decisions that affect the entire life course (Muuss 5). The decisions can be difficult, but with a parent 's help, things can run more smoothly. In Joyce Oates ' "Where are you going, Where have you been?" Connie experiences not having an active mother or father in her life. As a result, she takes her life into her own hands and makes decisions based on how she feels. For example, Connie has a different personality when she is at home than when she is with her friend(s) (Oates 496). This change can be a result of her parents not taking part in discipline or teaching her correct morals. It is suggested that children and adolescents learn their values from adults and/or their parents rather than being self-taught (Damon 170). With the correct parenting and also cooperation on the adolescents ' part, the difficult transition into adulthood can be enjoyable and easier. "Adolescents not only want parents, they
Cited: Atwater, Eastwood. Adolescence. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Damon, William. The social world of the child. California:1977. Duvall, Evelyn. Family Development. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1967. Gessell, Arnold and Freances Ilg and Louise Ames. YOUTH: The years from Ten to Sixteen. New York:Gesell Institute of Child Development, 1956. Muuss, Rolf. Adolescent Behaviour and Society. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing 1990. Vail, Ann. Taking Sides:Clashing views on controversial issues in Family and Personal relationships. United States:McGraw-Hill,1999.