
The Danger of Teens and Social Media

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The Danger of Teens and Social Media
Fall Semester
The Dangers of Teens and Social Media
Teens and Social Media….At a first look, it would appear to one as challenging to pinpoint the focus of this argument. Teens and Social Media cover such a broad range of topics, one would inevitably come up with more questions than answers. What would worry a parent when it comes to their teens and social media? Having both risk and benefits social media has a huge impact on our younger generation today. Peer pressure, Cyber-bullying, depression, and the danger of sexual predators are only a few risks teens need to be aware of when engaging in social media activities. With social media being at an all time high in this day and age, most teens do not realize the significant effect it has on their lives. Indeed, it may be a great way to communicate with family and friends, however; more risk than benefits come along with the use of social media.
Becoming one of the most common risk teens face today, cyber-bullying is a relatively new phenomenon. Cyber-bullying is described as bullying through instant messaging, texting, and the most common of all social media. Some of the social media sites include but are not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Instagram. Using data collected from the Youth Internet Safety Survey in the United States, found that 19% of their 1501 participants had been involved in some form of online harassment (Noret and Rivers 2). “Social networks are where all the teens are hanging out now. It’s like their corner store,” says O’Keffe (Tanner 1). Even with cyber-bullying at an all time high, many teens may argue the fact that they should not be allow to use social media until a certain age. Teens believe it is indeed a great way to communicate with family and friends. Girls are more likely than boys to say that they have experienced cyber-bullying- thirty-eight percent of online girls report being bullied, compared with twenty-six percent of boys (Lenhart 2).

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