
The Consequences Of Pride In The Scarlet Ibis

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The Consequences Of Pride In The Scarlet Ibis
The Consequences of Pride
Pride is unpredictable and often damaging. It has the power to enslave people, driving people to the edge. It clouds their judgment, awakening the cruelty, sheltered deep within their human mind. Pride plays a big role in the short story, “The Scarlet Ibis.” The brother desires pride so greatly that he sacrifices his brother, Doodle, to get it, regardless of the consequences.
All the narrator wants is to have a brother. He wanted someone to play and have fun with, someone who was “all there,” but instead, he got Doodle. Doodle was disabled physically but not mentally. Having a disabled brother frustrated Brother to the point he said, “When Doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at have a brother of that age

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