Characters: Socrates, Meno (Menon,) Anytus (Anytos,) The slave Boy.
The discussion begins with a wealthy young Thessalian nobleman named Meno asking Socrates if virtue can be taught or does it come by practice. Is it acquired through either means or is it endowed by nature or some other means. Socrates gives him and the place from where he hails a complement yet ridicules them. He, Socrates does this by saying Thessalians are ever so ready to give or receive the answer to a question with finding out the deeper understanding. Socrates states that he can not give the answer readily due to his lack of knowledge of the nature of the subject. The fundamental question for Socrates is what is …show more content…
Menon asks Socrates how will he can enquire about that which he does not know. Or if he were to find it, how would he know he did. Socrates that knowing is not so much as learning but is recollection. He says that the soul is with all the knowledge it needs but when in the human form it forgets. And learning is a state of remembrance. Socrates uses the slave boy of Menon to illustrate his believe in recollection through the geometric experiment. This, he says, that all knowledge exists in the soul. That very notion makes the soul immortal. Socrates also states that things of human nature hang on the soul. And a wise soul guides rightly while a foolish soul does otherwise. With that a good soul is that which applies wisdom and not inherently good. Socrates also makes is stance on knowledge and virtue; he does not think that virtue is knowledge only. In his discourse with Anytos. He brings to light that men with virtue can not always impart their virtue to others like their sons for instance, and in turn make them good men. Socrates gives examples to Anytos. Anytos views Socrates’ examples as him besmirching good mens names. Then warns him to cease such actions. Anytos goes away in a fit of anger. Socrates concludes with Menon that good men are but guides not teachers of