
Summary Of How Stories Came To Earth And Coyote Steals Fire

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Summary Of How Stories Came To Earth And Coyote Steals Fire
“Coyote won the game and so I gave him the fire. But he cheated, and for that I shall take his life.” This was said by Thunder-god in the short story “Coyote Steals Fire” when Coyote cheated in the game against the fire. This tale as well as “How Stories Came to Earth” are trickster tales, meaning the main character plays tricks on others to achieve their goal. These tales are told as oral folktales involving tricksters. Both of these stories are similar to one another due to them being tricksters, but are also different.
In “How Stories Came to Earth” and “Coyote Steals Fire” many similarities are shown in their tales. The first similarity between the two is the anthropomorphism that is used. Both stories have animals as their main characters

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