
Success Definition Essay

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Success Definition Essay
Most people measure success monetarily. We spend the majority of our lives working towards success (“Defining success”). The word “success” is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Individuals who would be considered successful in this generation are Kim Kardashian or even Justin Bieber. These celebrities simply live in the moment, without thinking about what their goals are. Everyone wants to be known for something. Success takes several different forms but because of societal issues we have lost sight of its true definition. To be successful is to have a purpose, to know where you're at, to know where you're going and to not be afraid to work for it. Children are raised to believe they have to grow up and make tons of money or they'll never be happy in life. If you don’t graduate from high school and go to college and get a master’s degree and get a job that pays six figures then you’re …show more content…
Whether success is within you, business, family, work, spiritually, or friends the human race naturally wants to be seen as successful ("Defintion Essay"). They want to better themselves (“Definition Essay”). As long as reaching your goal is gone about the right way there’s no reason it cannot be met. Putting in the right amount of effort and determination can take anyone a long way. For example, Oprah Winfrey has been in numerous movies, has her own TV show, and is recognized as an award winning goddess in the business (“Oprah Winfrey Biography”). Oprah Winfrey has achieved the right kind of success through hard work and knowing where she wanted to go in life. Anyone who knows about Oprah has no doubt in their minds that she’s changed society. She has found the best in others and the best in herself. Oprah Winfrey has found true

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