
Spunk By Zora Neale Hurston Analysis

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Spunk By Zora Neale Hurston Analysis
“Spunk” a story by Zora Neale Hurston (1924) is about an ongoing affair between a Lenna (Wife), Joe (Husband), and Spunk a masculine man who is not afraid of anything prove to be rather tragic. With Joe being a coward he would not confront Spunk for what’s his. After hearing from the group of people gossiping that Spunk and Lenna had appeared at the place before him joe became aggravated slowly approaching spunk from behind trying to blindside him. Ending in Joe getting shot from with one bullet leading to Lenna becoming with Spunk. The story has shown the downside too revenge ending up in karma which is being killed. With story that show ambitious action, vengeance, and love which never dies leads to many problem later on.

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