Discussion 7 10/7/14 There are many different types of racial classification systems. The two most interesting to me are social Darwinism and ethnocentrism. These classification systems have made a significant difference on society over time. Social Darwinism is based on the “survival of they fittest” who ever is strongest to survive will have dominance in inferior races. Ethnocentrism is judging other groups by one’s own standards and values. This group views others groups with “otherness”. These groups discriminate towards many different people and can cause conflict with those races what do not fit into their standards. Charles Darwin brought Social Darwinism to light. His theory of natural selection was published in 1859. He argued that acquired attributes were not transmitted, change could only occur through the positive selection of mutations. According to Darwin this means that one must choose the strongest group of people and only allow them to reproduce to help change the genetic pool and help our …show more content…
His study of scientific racism what intended to help make sense of people who were different from white Europeans. Those white Europeans were the norm according to Buffon and there needed to be an answer about these different people they kept encountering. Ethnocentrism was Buffon’s way of thinking that was the judgment of other groups by one’s own standards and values. More so than the social Darwinism, ethnocentrism is more forward because the judgment is so strong. Social Darwinism allows people to have a reason behind their racism, ethnocentrism judge people because they do not do the same things that they do, they do not follow the norm. Ethnocentrism is very straightforward and does not have many exceptions to the norm. If people are not just like Europeans, they are viewed as abnormal, improper, and