The purpose of this report is to investigate the nature of small business-owner-managers in the Information Technology industry and their managerial environment.
The analysis comparison will be looking individually at the two entrepreneurs and their respective business as a small business owner-manager operating in Western Australia; the two companies selected are EnableTech and Hardware Zone.
Choice of industry and Business-owner manager
According to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Information and communication technology is a key driver of Australia’s strong economic growth and innovation. The market comprises firms engaged primarily in providing computer and telecommunication services, as well as hardware and software. It is currently the fourth largest in the Asia-Pacific region after the Chinese, Japanese and South Korean markets and the 11th largest in the world. (Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2008)
“The 2008-09 statistics, 72% of Australian households had home internet access and 78% of households had access to a computer. Between 1998 to 2008-09, household access to the internet at home has more than quadrupled from 16% to 72%, while access to computers has increased from 44% to 78%.
The number of households with a broadband internet connection
References: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009, 8146.0 - Household Use of Information Technology, Australia, 2008-09. Available from :<>. [10 Sept 2011] Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2008, Information and Communication Technology. Available from: . [10 Sept 2011] Characteristics of an Entrepreneur The foundation for your business, 2009. Avaliable from: . [13 Sept 2011] Kuratko, D. & Hodgetts, R. (1998) Entrepreneurship: A contemporary Approach, 4th Edition, Mason Ohio, Thomson South-Western. Mazzarol, T & Reboud, S 2009, The Strategy of Small Firms: Strategic Management and Innovation in the Small Firm, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, NorthHampton, MA. Mazzarol, T & Reboud, S 2011, Small Business Management: An Applied Approach, 2nd Edition, 1st Printing, Tilde University Press . Schumpeter, J. (1934). The Theory of Economic Development. New York, Harvard University Press Shane, S & Venkataraman S 2000, ‘The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research’, The Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217-226