
Similarities Between Moral Foolishness And Evil In The Human Comedy

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Similarities Between Moral Foolishness And Evil In The Human Comedy
Brene Brown, a researcher from the University of Huston who has been on the New York Times bestselling list, TED, and studies vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame states that “The darkness does not destroy the light it defines it.” In the novel The Human Comedy by William Saroyan, which takes place during World War Two in Ithaca California, the citizens show qualities of moral foolishness and evil. Homer a young adolescent, Mr.Grogan, and the messenger of death portray qualities of good morals, foolishness, and evil throughout the book. Mr. Spangler, a man of exceptional character, seeks to do good to help ease the sorrows and struggles of others throughout his work at the telegraph office. Mr.Grogan, an imprudent man who chooses a …show more content…
“I thought l take a chance on you” (Saroyan 18) and through those words Homer is hired out of the generosity of Mr.Spangler. Mr.Spangler did not need to hire Homer and by law could not hire Homer until he was sixteen but decided to help out a struggling family buy giving the job of a messenger to Homer. Mr.Spangler a kind-hearted man pays for all of Auggie’s newspapers even though he does not have a need for them. “Well to Hell with the movie crowd” (Saroyan 154) and in Auggie’s hand appeared a quarter from Mr.Spangler so that Auggie, a twelve-year old newspaper seller, could go home with his sales of seventy-five cents so he did not need to bother with trying to sell out. “This money is a gift from me to her” (Saroyan 104) and the man with the gun put his gun back in his pocket and rethinks everything he thought was true about the human race. This man thought that there is no man alive who had such amazing understanding and austere character that was genuine and not just for business. Mr. Spangler’s generosity towards Homer, Auggie and the man with the gun has helped them to grow in character and

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