
Similarities Between Intelligent Design And Creationism

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Similarities Between Intelligent Design And Creationism
In recent decades, Charles Darwin’s explanation of evolution through natural selection has been challenged by an alternative theory called, Intelligent Design or Creationism. A growing number of science teachers and school boards are struggling with how to present students with the facts, even acknowledging the existence of an argument has become controversial. In the past, people believed that some features in nature that of the world, such as some features of living things, are explained better by an intelligent cause than by unguided natural processes (Intelligent Design). Today, people are more accepted to the belief of Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection, because it’s more factual and more valid. However, since humans …show more content…
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection, stated that different species originated from shared ancestors, with the differences in the organisms being caused by adaptations to different environments. The environment determines which species are best fit to survive, and the traits of the organisms are passed down to new generations. With enough time, such passages of traits could lead to whole new species. This theory was developed after decades of observations, studying thousands of animal and plant samples, all with extraordinary inferences drawn from observed similarities and differences. On the contrary, Intelligent Design is the belief that some features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent or supernatural cause. But, the appearances of organisms would have nothing to do with the survival success of their ancestors, like in natural selection. The divine being would have brought life about quickly in all the various forms we observe today, as opposed to the slow process theorized in natural selection. Although both ideas incorporate the existence of various life-forms, Intelligent Design must also include the existence of the designer, as well as the tools …show more content…
As of today, we can engineer cells, tissues, and robots that help sustained humans and also those that are physically and mentally delayed or underdeveloped. With new medical and technological advances, we are making life possible for people who wouldn’t naturally survive, like in the past, it was difficult for people who were physically and mentally underdeveloped because the science and technology weren’t as advanced as it is now. But as humans and technology become more and more advanced, we are constantly improving the lives of mankind and those less fortunate. And as humans continue on this advancement, in the future, they may cure some of humans’ affliction or illness like blindness or deaf. Although this process may hamper the natural part of evolution, humans are able to take evolution into their own hands and decide how our and other species will

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