
Similarities Between A Rose For Emily And The Story Of An Hour

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Similarities Between A Rose For Emily And The Story Of An Hour
The similarities between the two short stories “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner and “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. Both stories have a same setting, both have health conditions and live and a time where women had very few choices on how to run their life. Mrs. Mallard and Miss Emily both had a time in their lives when they have lost their husbands and are now a widow. Miss Emily when her lover dies, and Mrs. Mallard when new reached her ear of her husband’s death. Mrs. Mallard had a strict husband, which when she heard that he had died she finally had time to open her eyes and see that she was free, but when he walks in the door… joy is not the first think that over takes her. To where Miss Emily had a strict father who never

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