
Siddhartha Gautama Beliefs

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Siddhartha Gautama Beliefs
A belief system is “an established, orderly way that groups or individuals look at religious faith or philosophical” as stated on . Belief systems developed in the Paleolithic era through the Neolithic era. There are many different beliefs in this world which includes Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism was developed in 2300-1500 BC in the Indus Valley. Which is located in modern day Pakistan (South Asia). Hinduism is a unique religion because it has no specific leader. Buddhism was developed in the 5th century and the founder is Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism rose from Hinduism due to Siddhartha Gautama not agreeing with certain beliefs in Hinduism, so he formed his own religion called Buddhism. Both religions have spread throughout South Asia. Although …show more content…
He searched for the meaning of truth and made a entire different religion called Buddhism, but kept the aspects of Hinduism that he felt were true. Siddhartha Gautama still kept the saying “if you do good, good with come back to you”. Which is also known as karma. Gautama also kept the belief that you should be obligated to follow the practices of your faith, whatever that might be.These beliefs were continued throughout South Asia.

In South Asia art and architecture were a big thing due to the religious beliefs of Hinduism. Siddhartha Gautama continued this belief into Buddhism. The Gupta Empire artist made many art and sculptures that were influenced by both Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddhism still sustained the ideology of South Asians by making artist create sculptures of people that a huge impact in their religion. For example in Udayagiri caves located in India there is a sculpture that is carved out the cave wall of a Hindu God by the name of Vishnu and in the Ajanta Caves also located in India there are paintings and carvings that tells the life of Siddhartha Gautama.

Buddhism continued the religious themes of South Asia in

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