
Response to the Movie 'See What I'm Saying'

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Response to the Movie 'See What I'm Saying'
See What I’m Saying Paper
I loved the film See What I’m Saying; it was filled with new insights about deaf culture and people. This movie follows the life of TL Forsber, singer; Bob Hiltermann, drummer; Robert DeMayo, actor; and CJ Jones, A Deaf Icon. Once I got home from school, I quickly checked Netflix to see if Netflix carries it. My hopes were crushed. There were not many things about the film I did not like, are how hearing people treated deaf people and what troubles follow four deaf entertainers; a comic, drummer, actor and a singer as they attempt to cross over to mainstream audiences. An example is when a deaf man was looking for apartments in his price range he had to use this video chat and the landlord just hung up on him when the interrupter asked the landlord if they have used one of these video chats. I could not believe it the landlord just hung up. Another example, it is hard enough for hearing people to make it in the acting world, so it must be even hard for deaf people and an African American deaf person too and Robert’s interview about his last interactions with his mom using an interpreter.
There were tons of key moments that impacted me and once that just did not make a big dent. I already listed a few moments that had a negative effect on me. The International Sign Language Theatre Festival towards the end of the film was amazing. I wish I could have gone, there were different acts from around the world, different types of acts, and a great thought. It was interesting to the different types of sign language across the world. It is similar to speaking, for example, certain countries have different type of language and that is the same with signing. Its inspirational characters and messages really made me think deeper into deaf culture. I wanted to learn more about deaf culture and more signing than just American Sign Language. The four many characters all touched my heart in different ways. Robert, the actor, no matter

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