A Critique
Lynetric Rivers
Liberty University
COUN 507 B01 Summer 2010
Term Deadline: 5/30/10
Instructor’s Name: Diane Powell
The Counseling Models of Ron Hawkins and Larry Crabb:
A Critique
The Crabb Model
In “Effective Biblical Counseling,” Dr. Larry Crabb attempts to provide a concrete biblically based view of counseling and how it can best be applied. Dr. Crabb gives his interpretation on the different styles of integration in regards to Christianity and psychology. He also discussed his goal of biblical counseling which “is to promote Christian maturity to help people enter into a richer experience of worship and a more effective life of service.” (1977) he attempts …show more content…
HOW DID IT HANDLE THE SOURCE(S)? Question Value: 15 Points * Citations are properly referenced? (A minimum of 4 Score: points appropriate citations per author under review) * APA Reference list? Score: points
DOES THE WRITING HAVE FORCE? Question Value: 50 Points * Content reveals an organized interaction that specifically Score: points addresses the assignment with clarity and coherency? * Clear, insightful, rich interaction with subject matter? Score: points * Conclusion reveals thoughtful summarization and application? Score: points