
Romeo And Juliet Figurative Language Analysis

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Romeo And Juliet Figurative Language Analysis
In 1595, an old play of 2 star-crossed lovers takes their life (Prologue, pg.7). In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence is shown as honest and trustworthy. William Shakespeare has written many plays in olden day language. During some time people thought that plays and poems were not worth anything and thought it was rubbish. People now study the writing of Shakespeare because of the rich language, the literature and the writing style and context. The most trusted Friar Lawrence clarifies the mishaps and misunderstanding of Romeo and Juliet (5.3.238-278). Before the speech, a tragic moment occurred in which a pair of lovers take their own life away. This describes how Romeo and Juliet take their life because of the hate between the 2 households. Both of them know that their households are great enemies but they can’t forget each other. The resected and loyal Friar explains the play in this speech. He starts from the beginning of when they are husband and wife till the end of …show more content…
There are about 8 main types of figurative language. Some examples are Imagery, Hyperbole, Simile, Metaphor, Personification and Onomatopoeia. The speech is thoroughly explained by using Imagery and a little Irony. Imagery is when you can image the picture being made from the words. Irony is when the literature shows some sarcasm. Imagery is explained when Friar Lawrence describes the look on Juliet’s face saying “Then comes she to me, and with the wild looks bid me devise some mean” (5.3.248-249). This shows that she comes frantically toward the Friar with wild eyes. There is another imagery when he saying that Juliet comes to me and takes the sleeping portion while he write to Romeo tells the plan, but that never happened. From 5.3.252-261 it defines the plan and how it backfired. He tells those lines clearly that you can paint the picture in your

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