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Overview of the Research Process in Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Karolyn D. Bacalso

Mauro Allan P. Amparado, MBA, MAN, Ph.D.

Current Trends in Research in Climate Change Related to Biodiversity
Pooja Singh, R. Nagendran
The changing climate has forced its way into everyone’s mind as an unpleasant thought. Global warming, no more a hoax now, has started to show its presence everywhere. It has affected the atmosphere, economy, politics, lifestyle, biodiversity etc. Of all, biodiversity is a clear indicator of changing climate. The indication is made by the chemical, physiological or behavioral changes observed in animal and plant species. There has been a shift in the species diversity towards the regions which were originally cold but have become warm due to the warming of the climate. The research on the effects of climate change on biodiversity has been intensive. The studies have covered several aspects of ‘biodiversity - climate’ interactions. The present paper is an attempt to provide an insight into the major contributions by researchers as reflected in papers published during the last fifteen years in some of the leading journals and discuss the research needs for the future, especially in the context of developing countries.

Climate change plays a big role in animal and plant biodiversity, recent study shows how Global Warming affects animals and plants, in certain cold areas in the world that has a lot of plant and animal species are the ones most affected by global warming. Animals and plants are forced to adapt with the changing climate, some animals migrate to different parts of the world, some plants try to adapt with the warm temperature. Species that is not able to adapt with the changing climate end up dead. An estimate shows that if Global Warming continues on for the next 20-40 years, 10% of our current animal and plant population will go extinct. We need to limit climate change as much as we can in

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