Stereotypes are the belief that certain attitudes are characteristics of members of a particular group (Aronson, 2017) as the belief that the royal family is formal and reserved. On the other hand, racism is a belief that certain attitudes are directed to a certain racial group so it is one type of stereotype. Generally, racism, sexism and any type of stereotype contain both positive and negative feature so “all white people are racist” and “white people are hard workers” are racist (stereotyped) statements. The issue with stereotyping is that it is not based on fact so there's a high chance that it doesn’t reflect the reality. …show more content…
For instance, if you have never met a member of the royal family before and you have to act appropriately without knowing them well, you might stereotype them as being formal and reserved. As a result of that stereotype, you will respond respectfully and formally (Slinger, 2012). In that example, you had to make a snap judgment before knowing that person and their attitudes. In my opinion, if you have a positive stereotype towards a group and you need a snap judgment in a specific situation, using stereotypes will be