
Pros And Cons Of Utilitarianism

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Pros And Cons Of Utilitarianism
Is it possible for human beings to act from an apathetically objective point of view? People often attempt to create distance from their subjectivity to achieve goals within the world, but they cannot achieve true objectiveness. Engineers, natural scientists, judges and researchers all put aside their own biases to a degree in order to accomplish their fields, however they are not and cannot be entirely objective. Scientists—being the most publicly perceived objective figure—have human biases defined by their culture, history and language which they cannot separate themselves from. Even if they could separate from such things the pressures of career through competition and livelihood in the need to provide for themselves and loved ones creates …show more content…
In the framework of human politics utilitarianism loses its normative fundamentals. Yes, on an abstract level utilitarianism is objective, unbiased and neutral. But when humans apply it as a tool they corrupt it with their innate biases passed onto them by their environmental influences no matter how much they attempt to separate themselves from …show more content…
He also venerates the political sovereign as civilized and able to reign over the savage human with utilitarian based calculable action. This picture of a 1600s sovereign draws parallels to the hyper-rich neoliberal cabal of politicians and corporations, the military dictator and the fascist personality. The neutral normative nature of utilitarianism is what makes it so applicable to authoritarians and disgusting to anyone valuing aesthetics, justice or basic human dignity. In tandem with a utilitarian geared social contract where a primitivist theory ascribing humans as fearful, selfish pleasure seekers that are willing to cede their sovereignty to a political sovereign for security is present, authoritarians are able to exploit the relationship. Whether a totalitarian bureaucracy or a capitalist autocracy the sovereign has no obligation or desire to value virtues like benevolence or things such as justice, rather they value cost-benefit analyses and efficiency. An example of utilitarianism in the contemporary political sphere are the incessant calculations on candidate popularity in elections which are the result of data polls on the public perception of political issues. This data is then used by the politicians and their patrons to asses the environment so they can take action that best serves their own self

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