Anglerfish have fang-like teeth that are angeled inward for efficent prey grabbing. Female anglerfish have a spine that resembles a fisshing pole sticking out of their back called an "illicium" and at the end is a fleshy growth that resembles a lure and this is called an "esca". The esca glows and with this light the anglerfish can attract it's prey and when it swims closer to investigate the light the anglerfish snaps it's jaws shut. When the anlerfish …show more content…
Polar bears are extreamly well adapted tohunt their prey under water. Keeping warm is no problem for polar bears infact sometimes polar bears have to lay flat on their stomachs on the ice just to cool of. Polar bears have the thickest fur of any bear species. Their fur has two layers. The first layer, the under coat, is the closest to their body it consists of thick, plush, hair that retains heat. The next layer, the outer layer, is a layer made of "guard hairs" and are not actually hair at all they are hollow tubes. the tubes trap air for insulation andalso reflect a visible wavelengths of light in their hollow air space, which combine to make the fur whiteeven though it is in fact colorless. The white coloring provides camoflauge for the bears allowing them to blend in with there white snowy surroundings. Under their fur polar bears have black skin that absorb the sunlight and under that they have a 4-inch layer of blubber. This blubber keeps polar bears warm in the cold water. Polar bears have fur at he bottom of their feet providing extra warmth and traction to the ice. they are adapted to swim 60 miles without a pause to rest. They have have the ability to reduce their metabolic rate when the food is scarce and again when it's