
Personal Narrative: Zip Lining

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Personal Narrative: Zip Lining
Since the beginning of time humans have been testing the limits of nature. When it comes to vertical limits the world is always improving, buildings are flying higher, and rockets are, well, they are just blasting off! Flying has always been a “what if” in my book. A lot of things could go wrong. Besides, last time I checked gravity was still a law.

Maybe I wasn't so afraid of heights as traveling through the air at high altitudes. Hence zip lining. With both height and speed was a challenge I wanted to accept. And with a youth group trip to Colorado this was the perfect opportunity to test my fears. The nerves were the worst part. They plagued my thoughts with unlucky scenarios of what could happen if something were to go wrong.
As the world blurred by on either side of me the ground seemed to becoming closer every second. The wind was pushing me to go back. Gravity worked against my wishes to go with the wind back to solid ground. The slant of the line was almost unrealistic. I looked for a harness that would hold my life, but there was none.
My dream was far fetched and probably won't happen but imagination has no boundaries.
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When we came to the base off the mountain where we would learn the basic instructions for zip lining I wasn't sure I was ready. As we walked through the all-round wood building that creaked beneath our feet, the nerves hit. The fast paced stream that ran by the building matched my racing pulse. Water skimmed over the rocks creating a constant clean cover as it made it journey down. I hoped, maybe the calming sound of the stream would calm my nerves, that didn't happen. It was time to drive up to the top of the mountain to begin the downward

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