
Personal Narrative: What I Learned About Myself

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Personal Narrative: What I Learned About Myself
In my second year of college there are a number of things I have learned about myself. I have learned about my likes and dislikes as well as my strength and weaknesses. I have had to make goals and start planning my future. Through out planning, my choices have been influenced by people and issues. I have had to take in numerous considerations in making my decisions. I have chosen a career field, a major, and laid out a plan for my future in visual communications.

My first two years of college have been not only an exploration of knowledge but also of myself. The one pattern I have noticed is that I change my mind A LOT! My tastes are changing as I am getting older and not as influenced by family. I am becoming my own person. Things I once enjoyed I no longer find interesting and things I despised in the past are now appealing. I long for an evening alone to clean house and painting my toe nails. In high school this would be a long boring evening but now sounds luxurious. Time is so important being a student and working so any free time is a treat. I have also learned to despise certain things that at one point did not bother me. For example, in grade school if there was something I may have known a little bit about but did not understands it did not bother me. I
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The careers I am considering require a minimum of four years higher education and are computer related. My first pick for a career is that of a webmaster. This type of work would include designing and maintenance of web sites. My second career choice would be that of advertising. I would want to designer logos, banners, or flyers for companies. My third chose for a career would be design. I could design anything from magazine or book covers to animated characters or movie scenes. I would be qualified to work for a school, TV station; any type of movie or animation design company, and a long term goal would be that of working for

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