
Path to Citizenship

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Path to Citizenship
Marcella Santana
Hanna Gray
English 121
27 February 2013
Path to Citizenship
The Heritage Foundations, Tim Kane, Ph.D., writes “America’s exceptional status as a ‘nation of immigrants’ is being challenged by globalization. The biggest challenge for policy makers is to distinguish illusory immigration from real problem. The supported approach from recent years ‘a policy of benign neglect’ is no longer an option.” Members from the Senate and House of Representatives both recognize this and should be given credit for their efforts to craft this proposed comprehensive law which today, is known as the ‘Amnesty Plan.’ I strongly agree with this ‘Amnesty Plan’ and feel it needs to be pushed through due to its solid pillars. Such as, having undocumented aliens to pay fines, back taxes, and requiring them to understand and abide by the laws of the U.S.. It also addresses border security and identity theft by illegals that use false information to gain employment.
Robert Farley from clarifies a few misconceptions of the Senates immigration plan ‘Amnesty’ by explaining a few details regarding the concerns in which many have with this “path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants already here that is, contingent upon securing the border and combating visa overstays.” The use of the term ‘Amnesty’ misleads and can be an emotion-laden term. “If one defines amnesty as does, as ‘an act of forgiveness for past offenses, especially to a class of persons as a whole’, then the plan meets the definition (some aspects are not forgiven, as the requirements to pay back taxes).” It does not meet the definition, if one defines it as the dictionary of law published by Oxford University Press does’, as ‘an act erasing from legal memory some aspect of criminal conduct by an offender; Most frequently granted to groups of people in respect of political offenses and is wider than a pardon, which merely relieves an offender of punishment.” Susan F. Martin, a

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