Colon Cancer vs. Lung Cancer
Fatimah Myers
June 16, 2013
University of Phoenix
Instructor – Nick Young
Outline – Colon Cancer vs. Lung Cancer
I. Introduction
Although Colon and Lung Cancer affect different organs of the body and have different symptoms, they are treated similarly using, surgery, radiation, chemo, and targeted therapy. II. The treatment options for colon and lung cancer are similar and are determined by which stage the cancer is in. a. Surgery is often the main treatment for the earlier stages, such as, Stage 1. b. Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy are used for Stages 2, 3 most often with surgery, and sometimes …show more content…
Since the cancer is confined to the lung or colon during stage one, surgery is the treatment given; sometimes chemotherapy is also given. The surgery is done to remove the cancer and a margin of healthy tissue. Surgical procedures to remove lung cancer include, wedge resection, segmental resection, lobectomy, and pneumonectomy. A wedge resection is the removal of a small section of the lung that contains the tumor. The segmental resection removes a larger part of the lung. A lobectomy and pneumonectomy is the removal of an entire lobe of one lung, and the removal of an entire lung. Unless colon cancer is very advanced, most tumors are removed by an operation known as a colectomy. During a colectomy, the cancerous part of the colon and nearby lymph nodes is removed. If possible, the intestine is then reconnected. If the intestine cannot be reconnected, because of an infection or obstruction, a colostomy will be performed. A colostomy brings the end of the colon closest to the stomach up through the skin where the stool drains into a sack called an ostomy pouch. The colostomy is usually temporary and can be reversed with a second operation; generally after about three -six months. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, along with surgery, are the treatments involved with stage three colon and lung cancer. Chemotherapy may slow the progress of the cancer and extend survival time, by killing cancer cells. It may also help lessen the symptoms …show more content…
Depending on several
factors, chemotherapy and radiation are treatments for patients with Stage Four. Those
facts include, if there is lymph node involvement, where the tumor has spread, and how
it is attached.
Although surgery is not an option for patients with stage four Lung Cancer, treatment
options are available. The treatments can help to prolong life and reduce pain. Some
of those treatments include, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, combination of both,
targeted drugs, clinical trials, and supportive care. Palliative therapy, which can reduce
the pain and provide comfort, is also essential.
Recognizing the risk factors of the cancers, and practicing preventive measures allow us to reduce the risk for development of the disease. However, if diagnosed, the earlier the treatment options are discussed and began, the chances to be cured are higher.