
Organizational Behaviour 3

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Organizational Behaviour 3
Organizational Behaviour

Rut Kramerova

Happiness coaches for employees

1. Do ou think happiness coaches are effective? How might you assess their effectiveness?
Well, I think that happiness coaches might be effective and effectively raise the productivity of the employees, as the content employees, that are relaxed in their work are much more productive than those, who struggle with bad emotions and are therefore not focusing on work, but rather thinking over and over some bad experiences either from work or personal life. We could assess their effectiveness by measuring the final output - the productivity and quality of the work of non coached employees compared to the work of coached employees, wheather there are some differences in the outcome, or not. Also by observing how the employees interact with one another, wheather they are smiley, or still frustrated.

2. Would you welcome hppiness training in your workplace? Why, or why not?
I most certainly would, as in times that there is a lot of work needed to be done in such a little time, everyone gets really frustrated, stressed and angry, feeling they will never have it all finished in time, the happiness coach would be much appreciated. He couldboost their self confidence, show them how to cope with the problems and I believe, that when you are in the good mood, confident about yourself, you are more likely to be nice and supportive to others and also do things faster and they seem much more easy for you.

3. Some argue that the happiness coaches are a way for organizations to aviod solving real work problems – a diversion, if you will. How might we make this determination?
Some employers might cover low effectivenes and productivity of their employees with a bad mood, that they are not happy, but it might be for the bad working conditions or bad management, so they hire a happiness coach to make employees more satisfied, but in the case there are some problems likethat, I dont think that a happinesss

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