Unit 5 Homework
Chap 18 Pg. 699
Q1 difference between scp and sftp utilities?
SCP is a secure file copy utility and SFTP is a secure file transfer protocol even though it does not have anything to do with the FTP we are use to in windows.
Q2 How can you use SSH to find out who is logged in on a remote system?
By typing $ ssh host who in the terminal window
Q3 How would you use scp to copy ~/.bashrc file from the system named plum to the local system?
From the local system you would type scp user@plum:~/..bashrc local system: .bashrc.
Q4 How would you use scp to run xterm on plum and show the display on the local system?
Having the same username on both systems and the X11 server running locally, the command to run xterm from the plum system and show on the local display is $ ssh plum xterm
Q5 What problem can enabling compression present when you are using ssh to run remote X applications on a local display?
Compression can cause an increase in latency to an extent the might not be desirable for an X session forwarded over high-band width connections.
Q6 When you try to connect to another system using an OpenSSH client and you see a message warning you that the remote host identification has changed, what has happened? What should you do?
This indicates that the fingerprint of the remote system is not the same as the local system remembers it. Check to find out if something changed. If everything is ok, get rid of the remote system’s key from the file located in the error message and try logging in on the remote system using ssh.
Chap 20 pg. 757
Q1 By default, email addressed to system goes to root. How would you also save a copy in /var/logs/systemmail?
Edit the /etc/aliases that states: system: root, /var/logs/systemmail
Q2 How would max store a copy of his email in ~/mbox and sens a copy to Max@example.com?
$cat ~ Max/ .forward ~/mbox max@bravo.com \max
Q3 If your firewall allowed only the machine with the ip add of to send email