
Non-Realist Mode Lit

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Non-Realist Mode Lit
Lit * -------------------------------------------------
Notes on Non-Realist Modes * -------------------------------------------------
Mode – a way of looking at the world. * ------------------------------------------------- * -------------------------------------------------
1) Magic Realism * -------------------------------------------------
- Mode of fiction apart from romance and realism * -------------------------------------------------
- A term that hints at disbelief * -------------------------------------------------
- Oxymoron * -------------------------------------------------
- “An unexpected alteration of reality, an accustomed insight that is singularly favored by the unexpected richness of reality or an amplification” –Carpenter * ------------------------------------------------- * -------------------------------------------------
Ø Implications: * ------------------------------------------------- o More willing to accept divergent forms of perception * ------------------------------------------------- o More respectful of other ways of looking * ------------------------------------------------- o Never monolithic * ------------------------------------------------- o Presence of ‘irreducible’ magic that no natural laws can explain * ------------------------------------------------- o Realistic description of common everyday things, then revised or ‘refelt’ by the marvelous * ------------------------------------------------- o Unsettling effect that draws the reader to 2 versions of reality * ------------------------------------------------- o Convergence of two realms; simultaneous existence of 2 irreducible words * ------------------------------------------------- o Time is both history and timeless; space is often challenged; identity breaks down at times * -------------------------------------------------
Ø Historical development:

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