This is my Philosophy on marriage. When I think of marriage I think of a special bond between two people. I believe marriage is a choice among the ones that have a mutual relationship and they want to show other people how much they care about each other. The two make a mutual decision to have a ceremony of some sort and have a government recognize there union and that they share almost every facet of their lives together. Marriage to me means that they will endure good times and bad times together while showing mutual respect towards each other.
My wife’s Philosophy on marriage. “Marriage, to me, is kind of lake taking a leap of faith. When you vow to love …show more content…
Love is not just one dimensional. I think of love as being like a seven layer of chocolate cake. The top layer represents the most extreme case of love because it has the most chocolate of all the layers. In this case that would mean love set aside for my wife. Love to me is a feeling that is strong that it can supersede anything. Love changes your feelings toward a person; whether it is for the right reasons or not. I have found someone so special to me that has made my feelings and emotions change for the better. Love also brings in the sensual side of me that I do not share with others. For one that would be gross and another bond with her is set apart from her and the others. (The cake in between the frosting) My philosophy of love towards my now wife of seven years is still there, and still burning strong inside me. I have seen how love has made me do things for her that I would not even slow down to think about anybody else for. The next layer of the chocolate cake is still very tasty but doesn’t include the same taste and goes as far as the first layer with my wife. I can also extend that love to my children and my family, (another layer and my friends (another layer and so on…) that are very close to me. The love for my children are just as strong for my wife, but in a totally different way. I would do anything for my children as long as it will not make them into a bad person. For instance, I will not rob a bank for my child if they needed money, but I might inflict pain on someone who has hurt my two young daughters, all in the name of love for my