The paper “Marginality and Problem-Solving Effectiveness in Broadcast Search” written by Lars Bo Jeppesen and Karim R. Lakhani in 2010 primarily addresses the question which kinds of external solvers are able to generate successful solutions within an innovation contest when problem information is revealed widely and contest participation is unconstrained. For that purpose the authors distinguish between solvers who possess deep knowledge and experience in the problem domain and individuals who are “marginal” and have knowledge or approaches from analogous domains that may create effective solutions. The authors’ overall objective is to show that the latter – the marginality of external solvers – is a statistically important predictor of problem-solving process. In addition they postulate two distinct ways of being marginal in problem solving, namely technical and social marginality. The former describes the distance between the solvers` field of expertise and the focal field of the problem, whereas social marginality is associated with being female, as women have been shown to be less involved in high-status science careers (Jeppesen and Lakhani 2010, Cole and Zuckerman 1984). On these basic principles the authors develop two hypothesises, which are the object of research in this paper. On the one hand they claim that successful solution generation in a broadcast search context will be positively associated with increasing technical marginality. And on the other hand they hypothesize that being a woman, i.e. social marginality, will lead to effective and winning solutions (Jeppesen and Lakhani 2010).
Whereas the academic literature of innovation contests is primarily focused on issues such as the optimal tournament design, incentives for participation, award size, entry criteria or the optimal size of the solver pool, there still exists a high lack of scientific knowledge about what determines who will be a successful solver and who not
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