
Macbeth essay

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Macbeth essay
Macbeth's hamartia is not just his ambition but his suspicious nature also. Discuss.

Macbeth’s character can be seen on both ends of the spectrum, that of sympathy and disgust. Perhaps the fatal flaws that he possesses encourage this sympathy we feel towards him. His most prominent hamartia is of course his vaulting ambition and his desire to be King of Scotland, however it is clear that he is also greatly influenced by his suspicious nature. Throughout this stimulating play the audience observe each fatal flaw, that of ambition and also his suspicious nature, as we join him on the journey while he develops from a renowned and loyal soldier to a man of absolute evil and corruption, lacking a humane conscience.

It is clear that ambition is Macbeth's most prominent hamartia, as we learn that he is capable of going to extreme measures in order to ensure that he becomes King of Scotland and can lead the country. We learn that the only reason he kills Duncan, his loyal cousin and King, is to satisfy his ambition and prove to himself that the witches prophecies were true. Some may say that the witches were the cause of the chaos in Scotland due to Duncan’s death yet, not once did they plant the perverted idea of murder in Macbeth's mind. They merely suggested the possibility of him becoming King. "All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be King hereafter". Macbeth’s mind immediately turns to evil as the only way to satisfy his ambitious nature. "Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid images doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs against the use of nature". This ultimately proves that ambition was an extreme hamartia with regard to Macbeth. Ambition forces his mind to become consumed with the witches prophecies revealing that he would go to extreme lengths in order to become King even betraying his own cousin, Duncan, who we know had so much respect for him. "O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman!" Include the reasons here why killing Duncan

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