
Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Summary

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Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Summary
Caitlin Colangelo
Chapter One:
Tjaden, Muller, Tjaden, Kaczynski, Kemmerich, and the narrator (Paul) are all part of the Second Company. The novel opens up with a scene where everyone is eating together and distributing rations. The cook accidentally made enough food for 150 soldiers, but because the Company just came from battle, their numbers are far shorter than this number. The cook argues that he’s only allowed to give out one ration per soldier, and that the rest of the food has to be thrown out, but after a long dispute, he agrees to allow double rations. The men all went to the same school before willingly joining the war. They were persuaded by their schoolmaster Kantorek to join the war, but once they realized the realities of war, they began to hate him. After eating, the surviving men go to visit Kemmerich because his leg has been amputated. Kemmerich is unaware of the amputation, but the men know he’s going to die soon. The men want to take his boots after he dies so the orderlies (hospital people) don't take them themselves.

Chapter Two:
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He is incredulous that he used to write poetry because his current reality differs so greatly. Paul discusses how the war seems to destroy the past of young people, but serves as an interruption for the older men. Muller wasn’t being unsympathetic for wanting the boots, he was merely being practical. Their Corporal Himmelstoss was the strictest disciplinarian in the camp. However, Paul believes this harshness prepared him for war, allowing the soldiers to develop comradeship. Kemmerich realizes that his leg has been amputated and his comrades lie to him and say they think he will get better. Kemmerich asks that if his watch is found that it be sent home. Kemmerich dies and Paul collects his things— Kemmerich’s boots fit

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