
Internet Slang

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Internet Slang
What does LMAO mean?This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of LMAO (LMAO acronym/abbreviation/slang word).Ever wondered what LMAO means? Or any of the other 6659 slang words, abbreviations and acronyms listed here at Internet Slang? Your resource for web acronyms, web abbreviations and netspeak. | All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other | | | | What is LMAO? | | | LMAO is "Laughing My Ass Off" | | | LMAO Definition / LMAO Means | | | The definition of LMAO is "Laughing My Ass Off" | | | The Meaning of LMAO | | | LMAO means "Laughing My Ass Off" | | | So now you know - LMAO means "Laughing My Ass Off" - don't thank us. YW! Oh, and MTFBWY! What does LMAO mean? LMAO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the LMAO definition is given. | | All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other | | Other terms relating to 'lmao': |  LAMO | Mispelling of LMAO |  LMOA | Misspelling of LMAO |  ROF | Rate Of Fire
ROFLMAO |  ROFLMAO | Rolling On Floor, Laughing My Ass Off |  ROTFLMAO | Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off | | Other terms relating to 'laughing': |  :L | Laughing |  ALOL | Actually Laughing Out Loud |  BAGL | Bust A Gut Laughing |  CREASING | Laughing |  CSL | Can't stop laughing |  FOCL | Falling Off Chair Laughing |  FOFL | Falling On Floor Laughing |  FOMCL | Falling Off My Chair Laughing |  HAFL | Heart Attack From Laughing |  IAL | I Ain't Laughing
I Actually Laughed |  ICSL | I Couldn't/Can't Stop Laughing |  KML | Killing Myself Laughing |  KMSL | Killing Myself Laughing |  LAL | Laughing A Lot/Little |  LALB | Laughing A Little Bit |  LATM | Laughing At The Moment |  LAU | Laughing At You

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