In the film, “Imitation of Life,” Sara Jane is a black young woman with the skin color of a white person. No one really knows that she is black except Susie, Laura and Steve. The people at her school thinks she is white and they don’t expect her to have a black mother, until she shows up there to bring Sara Jane something. Sara was passing as a white girl and no one really knew that either. Sara’s ability to pass as a white girl was effective only for so long. As she grew older she wanted nothing to do with her mother because she was black and
In the film, “Imitation of Life,” Sara Jane is a black young woman with the skin color of a white person. No one really knows that she is black except Susie, Laura and Steve. The people at her school thinks she is white and they don’t expect her to have a black mother, until she shows up there to bring Sara Jane something. Sara was passing as a white girl and no one really knew that either. Sara’s ability to pass as a white girl was effective only for so long. As she grew older she wanted nothing to do with her mother because she was black and