Mark Twain’s satire was so severe toward society that the latter considered it outrageous, rough, coarse, immoral and inelegant. It was banned from libraries for years. This proves how deeply Huck Finn had reached its targets, namely corrupt society and institutions.
Mark Twain’s satire was so severe toward society that the latter considered it outrageous, rough, coarse, immoral and inelegant. It was banned from libraries for years. This proves how deeply Huck Finn had reached its targets, namely corrupt society and institutions.
| The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
| The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
Troy Willix
Mrs. Meredith K. Abramson
English III
July 25, …show more content…
Most of the development of their relationship to each other comes in the beginning of the book. During the second half of the book, the character of Jim takes somewhat of a back seat to the rest of the story. Jim is either left behind on the raft, or confined to a cell for most of the chapters after Chapter 19. Despite his infrequent appearances, it is in the last half of the book that the bond of trust is solidified in Huck’s heart. When Huck decides that he will free Jim and declares, "All right, then, I’ll go to hell," (pg. 206) he bases that decision on events that have brought the two closer during the trip, such as the foggy night and the time Huck saved Jim by saying he had smallpox. These are probably two of the key events in the story as it relates to the relationship between Huck and Jim. It is the first event, the foggy night, which brings about a major change in Huck. He risks his life trying to navigate the river in the fog in order to be reunited with Jim. When the raft first drifts off, Huck could have stayed on the shore and been safe, but he does not even think of not following Jim because he knows Jim would be caught if Huck was not with him because they were in the south and slavery was still going on and people would take Jim and put him back into slavery and undo what Huck was trying to do. When he …show more content…
But at the same time people tend to not think as much because of the modern human instinct to fit in and not stick out and in a group people just go with the flow way too much and don’t speak out about their own beliefs and do what is right when they should. I believe Twain is saying that what is sometimes not politically correct is the right thing to do. As you can see by this statement that was made by Aunt Sally this society and the current one has drifted away from the moral order that was in place before to the corrupt order that they were in and the one we are in today, true we do not have slaves but we still have the concept of man’s inhumanity towards another man we need to get back to the principle of treating each other as people and not look at color nor anything else that we set people aside for today. We as a people need to do what is morally correct but yet also make sure that what is a task is also somewhat politically correct too. That is the whole meaning of man’s humanity towards man is to treat one another with dignity and respect as a person individually not just as a