
Huck Finn Racism Quotes

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Huck Finn Racism Quotes
Racism is one of the most crucial themes in the novel as it exploits the physical and mentally abuse black people receive from white slaveholders. At the beginning of the novel, Huck buys himself into racial stereotypes when he says, “Jim was most ruined, for a servant, because he got so stuck up on account of having seen the devil and been rode by witches”(Twain 5). Huck points out Jim’s stupidity and makes fun of him for having, “seen the devil and been rode by witches,” as a way to poke fun at Jim’s stupidity. As the novel progresses, Huck’s opinion of Jim completely changes from not only classifying Jim as a black slave, but also acknowledging the fact that Jim is human and, “he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n”(Twain 117). …show more content…
When Jim is sold by one of the con artists, Huck decides to go against societies orders, as he shouts, “Alright then, I’ll go to hell” as he goes out to find Jim and free him. Going against societies orders, proves that Huck’s compassion and care for Jim is genuine, and he is willing to risk his own life for a black person. Ironically though, when Huck and Tom manage to find Jim, Tom forgets to mention to Huck that Jim was free the entire time, and they were the ones keeping Jim enslaved. This comes to a shock for Huck because he actually believed Tom would risk his own life as well to help “free” Jim, but Huck still struggles with the idea that he thinks all “good people” obey to societal values, and that he himself thinks is bad because he does not obey to those

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