
How To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1 Journal

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How To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1 Journal
So far I have read chapters one, two, and three in “To Kill A Mockingbird.” They have been quite interesting, and a lot has happened in these chapters. In this journal I will be predicting on if the kids will meet Boo Radley, and also evaluating on the Ewells.

While I was reading the book I started to think that by the way they would talk about Boo Radley they would not be meeting him. There is an old story in the Maycomb town that Boo Radley was locked away for a good amount of time. The story all started with Boo sitting in the living room of their house cutting out some pictures from magazines. When Boo’s father walked into the room Boo stabbed the scissors into his father’s leg and pulled them right back out. After that had happened
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Eventually Boo had to come back home because the basement was starting to get moldy and Boo could die from it. When Boo had moved back home the Radley house suddenly became sheltered in. They would keep their shutters closed everyday, and they wouldn’t even open their doors. It had almost looked like the house was abandoned. Because of the way the Radley house had looked the kids were scared to walk past it. The house was dark and gloomy and it looks like nobody has lived there for years. The doors and windows are always closed up and locked. Some people would say they have seen Boo come outside and that his appearance is atrocious. He is six-and-a-half feet tall with a long jagged scar across his face. People even say that his hands are bloodstained from killing and eating squirrel or cats. The teeth that he has are all rotten and yellow, and most of the time he would drool. With this scary image in mind many people say they have seen Boo in there back …show more content…
Some people would say that they are incompatible. They are very hard to be around because they always have an answer for everything. Burris (one of the Ewells) had mouthed off to Miss Caroline when he came in for his one day of school. The Ewells always think they are in the right even when they are doing something bad. Think about trying to live with someone like that. It would be very hard to live with someone like that; thinking they are always right and have an answer for everything. Also the Ewells didn’t live in a very pleasant place. The Ewells lived outside like animals. For someone who lived in a house and didn’t have an answer for everything would probably not have a lot in common with one of the Ewells. It would be harder to talk to one or to even be around one. Many other people say that the Ewells are a disgrace to the Maycomb town. Most of the Ewells have not done one day of work in their life. They feel as if the do not need to work so they don’t. Even most of the kids do not go to school. The school tries to get the kids to go to school, but everybody knows that you can’t get an Ewell to do something they don’t want to do. The Ewells don’t do anything to help out their community. They stay at where they live and don’t bother the community outside of theirs. There would be many other ways that you could describe the Ewells, but I think that these two sum

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