
How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play

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How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play
How can one person go from being a very strong hero to an unstable, distrusted person in a short period of time? Some of us look at books or plays to determine, what is happening or if the author is extraordinary compared to others. Have you ever thought about looking at a specific character and pictured the change in them? In Macbeth many characters go through drastic changes, but there is one in particular that really stands out. This is the character of Macbeth. Macbeth goes through many changes in this play, including some that affect the outcome in the end. In the very beginning of the play we see Macbeth is a brave and successful warrior which is explained by the Captain to Duncan in (l, ii). He is quoted as hard working and trustworthy. We see this positive side in him until Lady Macbeth starts to talk to him about killing the king. He is then also corrupted by the witches’ prophecies. Macbeth has a weakness of letting others influence him on what he should do. Macbeth asks himself why he would do such a thing. The king has been so sympathetic to him so why would he kill him? Macbeth is motivated by Lady Macbeth’s words but he gets too caught up in them and starts heading down the bloody …show more content…
After the murder of Duncan Macbeth becomes annoyed and his first step of killing the guards is one of many that Macbeth takes to remove his insecurities. What does Macbeth feel after the killing of Duncan? He is in fear and shock. In the beginning of (ll, iii) Macbeth can barely even form sentences, the words he says reveal his guilt of his act. He then goes on to murder Banquo in (lll, IV). This was a very important part of the play because Banquo was his best friend. He has gone out of control and has not been speaking to Lady Macbeth about his decisions. Not speaking to Lady Macbeth has put a toll on their relationship and he is acting

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