
How Does Abigail Williams Use False Accusations In The Crucible

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How Does Abigail Williams Use False Accusations In The Crucible
As I sat down to take my math test, I asked myself what the purpose was. I did study but I knew I would fail. My teacher gave me a rude look when I received the test back. She said, “This is what happens when you don’t study!” I was frustrated that she accused me of not studying. Accusations are exactly what occurred in the play The Crucible and the article “The West Memphis Three.” False accusations lead to danger in both instances.
In the play, The Crucible, Abigail Williams and the Putnam family accuse many who are innocent of the crime of witchery. Abigail wants to have John Proctor all to herself, so she accuses his wife of sending her spirit out to stab her. This false accusation leads to Elizabeth being jailed even though she is innocent, and it also leads to the death of John Proctor because he will not sign a false deposition. Abigail ultimately loses her desire, John Proctor, due to her false accusation. Additionally, the Putnams accuse Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft. Rebecca ends up losing her life because of the false accusations. Many people turn on the Putnams and on Abigail because of their false testimonies. This is another result and danger – they lose friendships.
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The dead boys were found in near Robin Hills neighborhood in a creek. The investigators questioned Jessie MisKelley, a special needs student with a very low IQ. The information he gave them was unclear and so he was harassed. The police accepted a false confession and he was wrongly imprisoned. Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin were sentenced to life imprison due to MisKelley’s false accusation. Fourteen years later, DNA proved the three teens were innocent. Wrongful accusations resulted in these three teens losing their childhood and being incarcerated for the majority of their

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