
How Did The Black Death Affect The World

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How Did The Black Death Affect The World
There had been several outbreaks of diseases throughout history such as Plague of Justinian (541-542), Antonine Plague (165AD), Third Cholera Pandemic (1852-1860), etc. The Black Death had been one of the most castastrophic pandemics in human history. It resulted in the deaths of an estimated 75-200 million people in Eurasia between 1346 and 1353. The cause of this plague is believed to be the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The Black Plague changed the world by creating a series of religious, social and economic upheavals which have long-lasting effects on European History.
Researchers revealed that the Black Death originated in or around China, and made its way across the world via the different routes, such as into West Asia through the Silk
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The most common symptom of the Black Death was the buboes (painful swelling of the lymph nodes) in armpit, legs, neck, and groin regions. The buboes would then spread throughout the body from those regions and began to appear randomly. These buboes were a sign for the victims that they were definitely going to die. Another symptom is the appearance of black blood under the skin after death. The skin appears balck because of the several hemorrhages that takes place under it after death. This is where the Black Death received its name. The nursery rhyme "Ring a Ring o' roses" is related to the Black Death. "Ring a-round the rosie" refers to the rosy circular rash which was one of the symptoms of the plague. The posies refer to the different herbs and flowers people used to protect themselves from the Black Death. "Ashes, ashes" would refer to the burning of the infected bodies. "We all fall down" would mean death directly. There are two methods of transmission. One is through an infected rat with fleas which then transmitted the plague to humans. The living conditions in towns which were dirty and the garbage became a habitat to those infected rats and fleas which made the diseases spread even more. Many people thought it was the end of the world, thus leaving towns to go to the country which in turn spread the Black Death even

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