
How Did NAFTA Affect Mefta

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How Did NAFTA Affect Mefta
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed on December 17, 1992, and entered into force on January 1, 1994. There have been studies that document the successes and failures of this agreement. One study was done in 2010 and examined 14 countries including Canada and Mexico. NAFTA has helped eliminate tariffs and quota restrictions for food trade and agricultural trade. There have been significant changes in economic growth, employment, and general border trading. Besides trade, NAFTA has had a positive effect on oil prices, foreign investments, and government spending. The effects on Mexico were positive despite the spike in inflation during the 1980’s. There were also some negative effects for Mexico that might be worth looking …show more content…
Benefits were brought with the Act to include private investments which has been in an uncertain state causing it to be heavily damaged if the Act were to dissolve. When NAFTA was passed, Mexico was going through a recession, so any positive change was more than welcomed. However, unemployment in Mexico rose following the change mostly because of the increased agricultural competition from the U.S. Local manufacturing employment fell by 44,000 while foreign manufacturing grew to an estimated 500,000. Overall, employment growth has remained low, partly because of the foreign manufacturing jobs beating out the locals. Blue collar workers in Mexico believe that NAFTA has not come through on its promises. Wages have remained idle, and instead of creating opportunities, they see it as holding back economic …show more content…
In 1993, trade was estimated at $290 billion and has increased to more than $1.1 trillion in 2016. Supply chains have been improved greatly and integrated on a multi-layer platform for the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. The economic growth for all three countries lowered the prices and helped consumers. Trade was boosted by eliminating all tariffs between the three countries. Agreements on international rights for business investors were also created, which reduced the cost of commerce producing investment and growth, especially when it came to small businesses. There are more comparable numbers according to the study. U.S. economic growth was raised by 0.5 percent a year. U.S. farm exports to Canada and Mexico grew 156 percent, which is compared to a 65 percent increase in farm exports to the rest of the world. Farm exports in 2015 were $39.4 billion to Mexico and Canada because high tariffs from Mexico were eliminated. For products such as wheat, rice, corn sweeteners, apples, and beans, Mexico is at the top for importing. The auto industry draws parts from all three countries to drive prices down for consumers. This makes the market more competitive with the cheaper Japanese imported autos. At the current pace, by 2020, 25 percent of North American cars will be manufactured in

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