
How Are Hector And Achilles Alike

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How Are Hector And Achilles Alike
The Iliad is full of characters ranging from the first solider to get killed, to Achilles. All of them hold a purpose in this epic. Two caught my attention and interest the most, Hector and Achilles. Each great warrior to opposite sides of the war. Hector a prince and the greatest solider for the Trojans, and Achilles the greatest warrior in the poem, and a Greek solider. Hector a prince of Troy, was married to Andromache with whom he had a new born son named Scamandrius. He was portrayed by Homer to be peace loving, and kind, never thought as someone with a dark motive. He acted as the leader of the Trojan army, killing to be said around thirty-one thousand men. In book six is when he returns to the fighting, after having to retreat earlier. Telling his wife he can’t out run his fate and kissing his newborn son on the head. He then enters the fight in book seven with his brother Paris. Hector did not like the war between the …show more content…
Achilles was said to have arrived to Troy with 50 ships and all carrying 50 Myrmidons each (book two). Myrmidons are skilled warriors of the Greek army. Achilles was mentioned that when he fights, he gets consumed by a rage in which he can’t calm down. He stops in the beginning because he gets insulted by Agamemnon; this clash showcases one of the biggest parts of the ancient Greek value system. He doesn’t rejoin the war till the death of Protesilaus. He vows then that he won’t bury Protesilaus till he kills Hector. He does kill Hector with a spear to the throat. Hector begs for Achilles to give his body to his family but he says “my rage, my fury would drive me now to hack your flesh away and eat you raw – such agonies you have caused me.” Achilles death doesn’t happen in the Iliad, the book ends with a time of peace for the funeral of Hector. Achilles is an amazing warrior but is a very angry and prideful

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