Like most of the rest of the world weddings, in Hawaii symbolizes tradition and cultural elements in a colorful and beautiful place intended to bring fortune, luck and happiness to couples who are going to be for the rest of their lives together.
Hawaiian brides, traditionally wear a Hawaiian dress called holoku. A holoku is a wedding dress with flowers and in her hair as well. Men usually wear a white shirt, white pants and a colorful sash. Casual foot wear is permitted, unless if the wedding is inside a house, footwear may be avoided.
Another Hawaiian symbol for wedding ceremony is the leis. Leis are a traditional flower garlands worn around the neck. Two main leis made of fragrant flowers and green leaves are especially made for the groom and bride. These main leis represent the people’s relationship with nature as a traditional aspect. The bride’s lei have white jasmine and the groom’s lei have Lima. Also, both the mother-in-laws wear especially made leis which have an abundance of jasmine.
The weddings are announced by three blows of a conch shell in a consecutive manner. This conch shell represents the summoning of God to support the ceremony. Fireworks also are part of the weddings symbolizing the pushing of evil away. The performance of dance called pandango is required, its also performed in many weddings and its often called the money dance, encircling the couples with a strong of taped money.
Cultures around the world has affected Hawaiian weddings as well, as one of the influences is the wedding cake. Hawaiian wedding cakes are usually made of wheat flour, symbolizing the beginning of a new relationship together. This relationship is further strengthened by sharing the knife for cake cutting and presenting the first slice to each other.