
George Washington Biography Essay

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George Washington Biography Essay


George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 at Pope Creek in Virginia. He was the eldest child to Augustine Washington and Mary Ball. George received his early education at a school in Fredericksburg before his father died in 17431. Not much is known about his education after his father’s demise. However, there is evidence that he studied geometry and trigonometry2. At the age of 16, while living with his half brother Lawrence, Washington made contact with the Fairfax family. His connection with this powerful family made him secure a job as a surveyor at Culpepper County in Virginia in 1749 at the age of 21.
Washington started his military career after being appointed
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He was elected representative of Frederick County in the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1759. For fifteen years, he dedicated his time to legislative agenda in the Burgesses until it was dissolved in 1774. In 1960, he became the Fairfax county justice of peace for fourteen years. Washington opposed British taxation of colonies in the House of Burgesses4. These followed the passing of Townsend Act in 1767 that was aimed at increasing revenues. He recommended continental congress to check the interest of colonies following the implementation of this act. In 1774 Washington was elected a delegate in the first continental congress that voted to ban importation of British …show more content…
His army was defeated during an operation to capture New York City in August 1776 by the British forces. He also suffered defeat in the Battle of Brandywine and Germantown in September 1777 and October 1777 respectively. However, his greatest achievement was the capture of Yorktown in 1781 that led to the surrender of British army general. The revolutionary war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 19635. This treaty recognized the autonomy of United States of America. After, leading revolutionary war, Washington resigned as the continental military head on April 19, 1783 and went back to Mount Vernon to lead a private life.
Washington participated in the constitutional convention of 1787 organized in Philadelphia. He was elected the president of the Philadelphia constitutional convention in1787. This convention made the constitution which was approved by thirteen states. In 1789, Washington was elected the first president of US with one hundred percent majority. He was reelected president in 1792. He is credited for standing for unity of American states and of creation of federal government. He left presidency in 1797 and died two years later on December, 14

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