
George and Lennie Relationship

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George and Lennie Relationship
How does Steinbeck introduce the relationship of the principal characters in section one of the novella?

In section one of the novella, Steinbeck portrays the relationship of George and Lennie to be like Father and Son. The author uses a variety of techniques, such as metaphors, symbolism, and irony to represent the ups and down of their relationship. There are three main themes which are prominent to section one than any part of the book; loneliness, the ‘American Dream’ and the importance of George’s and Lennie’s friendship.

Firstly, as George and Lennie are introduced in the novella, the two are dressed nearly identically, but the similarities end there. There is an immediate contrast between the two characters. However, it is section one where the reader starts to see the close bond that they share. George is introduced first in the novella, a sign that he is going to be the one in charge of them both; ‘small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp strong features’ this suggests intelligence and a strong personality but also with some unhappiness. However, in dissimilarity to this Lennie is then described as ‘a huge man, shapeless of face, pale eyes with wide sloping shoulders’ this suggests Lennie’s size and strength but also how simplistic he is. These images of the men makes the reader wonder why two very different labourers would be working and travelling together.

Secondly, Lennie is likened to an animal on more than one occasion, not only in section one but throughout the whole novella. Steinbeck does this by using a metaphor; ‘dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides but hung loosely’ he then does this by using a simile; ‘snorting into the water like a horse’ this triggers images into the readers head and portrays Lennie to be tame but could be potentially very vicious. Steinbeck’s portrayal is more complex than it seems. Lennie is described more of an animal than a child

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